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Face Painting "How to get started and market your business"

With school starting who has time to do anything except shop for school supplies and clothes!? Although, I'm sad that summer is ending (since I love to plant), I am looking forward to celebrating the holidays coming in the Fall!
I guess I'm a big kid at heart and don't plan on changing that. Ha ha.
I have a booking in September for Face Painting and just wanted to throw this out there but,
"Who would like to be a Face Painter?"
With my busy schedule, I haven't really pushed for more bookings, and they are out there, but just don't have the time. I have had to turn down some and pass them along to another painter. 
I don't mind sharing how I got started and more if you're interested.
Maybe I will work on a "How to Book" 
and just post it on this site for anyone (US & International future Face Painters to purchase).

Let me know what you think :)

Updated Information Below:
There is so much I want to share about how I got started but I will simplify it below.
  1. YouTube was my teacher. I couldn't afford a to go to a school for this as the nearest one was 3 hours away and heard it was over $1,000 to get taught. Even though I believe it would've been worth it I just didn't have the funds or transportation. So, I typed in "How to be a face painter" and tons of helpful videos came up.
  2. Bought first kit and booked an "unpaid gig" with friends. The only way you're going to get practice and your name out is diving into the pool! I always have to kick insecurity's butt and punch through to success, even if I stumble along the way. I practiced a few ugly strokes at home and then at the party, I painted some ok-for-a-beginner designs for my friend's child and her friends. Looking back I realize what great-gracious friends I have.
  3. Not even a month into this new business and I paid for a booth at a community event. Yikes! Yes, I was stinking nervous and probably had a panic attack but was determined to make myself  get more experience and my name out. I was still pretty broke and couldn't afford professional business cards but I bought a stack of index cards and with my computer, typed in my information and handed those out at the fair. I also started a blog (this one) to show paintings I had done and included the information on those cards.
  4. The calls started coming. As with any business a person must be (or sound like it) confident or you will lose your customer's trust. Know what answer to give and if you don't know, find the information (online, locally, etc) and write it down so you kind of have a script to follow. You also don't want to change your information from one person to the next. (Example: I charge $20 per hour...I charge $4 per face..and so on).  In case you're wondering this is what I like to ask before booking for birthday parties:

1. Where will the party be located and the time?
2. How many children are estimated to be there
(I have a pricing package that charges per number of people to be painted).
3. What age group will I mostly be painting?
(Toddlers are harder to paint so
think of fast and easy
designs to do at the party since they don't like to sit long).
4. Is there a theme?
(If you can't do the design they're
 asking for -even after trying- kindly
let them know and see what they will accept instead)
5. Payment arrangement:
 I usually get paid after my
services are done but you decide how you'd like to do this.
5. Getting your name out: to continue to get business you have to repeatedly get your name out into the public eye. After a while, I was able to purchase (self-made) business cards (using picmonkey.com and developing at Walmart), posters, and a banner. 
With my posters, I talked to some local businesses and asked if I could place my poster at the entrance of their building. Most of them were more than happy to do so. I also traded advertising with a few by placing their business ad on my blog (Some are still on here so if you're local check them out! There is a another business who accepts orders online!) 
6. Lastly, cold calling. Have you ever missed out on a great deal because you didn't know about it? Think of your business as a great deal that people want to know about. Seriously, parents really do like blessing their children with unique and fun birthday parties! Put on your best positive-thinking cap on, get a pen and paper (in case someone books you during the call) and start calling people to let them know you are accepting bookings. Here's a sample call:
"Hi Janice, this is Naomi. How are you doing..  The reason I'm calling is to let you know that I started a business of face painting. I am also booking up to 3 months, would you be interested in booking me? Then end the call with thanks for letting me share my new business with you. I am so excited about starting this and before we hang up, would you mind sharing my information with at least 3 people? I can text/email you my information and you can forward it to those who might be interested.

There are many more things you can do but I will end it with this. I hope this helps tremendously! :)


  1. Thank you very much for this article. I read your article and I like it. You have shared great ideas of market the business of face painting.
    Body Paint Melbourne

  2. You're welcome and thanks for stopping by! I am going to update this article as I feel more content is needed. Hope to see you around here again :)

  3. Great Article on Paintings, This article helped me a lot.Hope to have a more articles like this.She started working with kids as a language teacher and she has somehow found this wondrous way to combine her love for childcare and her artistic talent, on a complete coincidence.

    1. I'm sorry I hadn't seen your comment till now but I hope she is still doing what she loves and has had a great experience as a Face Painter. :)


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