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Book your Face Painter for 2015!

This past year I kinda-sorta took a break. I was at a point where I didn't know if I wanted to continue face painting and took only a handful of jobs. 
After the break and much prayer, I decided to continue painting as I do love art work. Thank you for your patience as I was in the middle of...well, I'll let you know in a minute. 
Any how, I did paint a little throughout the past year.
I painted a few friend's faces like the "Day of the Dead" painting below.
 She's a beautiful model :)
I also painted for some family and friend's where I came up with my own version of an owl painting I saw online. It wasn't as complicated (at least for me) as the original one I tried painting at Border Town Days- earlier in the year. What do you all think of it?

 I love this Bat painting I did for Halloween. You can't see it too well because of the side view but can kind of in the reflection of the window.
This painting (below) was copied from an online picture and it came out beautiful. I sometimes get nervous painting a new design when I'm copying someone else's idea because I don't know if it will come out as well as theirs. Also, I will try to put the original source in my future posts so in case you're wondering where I get my inspirations from, you'll be in the know how. Plus, to give them (originator) their proper credit due. :)

I was being silly one night and wanted to paint myself...well, don't let it scare you too much...

As the title of the post says, I am taking bookings for this year. I did take a break as I was overwhelmed with the many changes that were happening in my life. I had to take time out to pray and seek direction from the Almighty God. I truly feel He led me to face painting as I never pictured myself doing so. Face painting was always a "That's a professional person's job" idea that I didn't myself as. 
Growing up, I was always asked when someone saw my drawings or other type of artwork, "Are you a professional artist?" I would look at that person with a "Are you crazy?" look and say I wasn't. To be honest, even till this day, I don't see myself as a professional but I do see myself as a talented individual.
So, I hope, with this God-given gift, I will be able to paint a wonderful memory for you and your family for many years to come. 
Thanks for stopping by and hope to hear from you soon!
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  1. I like your body painting. These are incredible designs. I look stunned by watching your beautiful design. Real Art!
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