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Two Parties in One Day with LOTS of Fun

This past Saturday was full of fun and smiles. I admit, I need more practice when it comes to painting toddlers: and plan on coming up with quick and cute designs for these little cuties. I have some spaces available for April so book your party today! 

I will be planning a time soon to do a public face painting at a local park so you can bring your friends, family, for some face painting fun! There will be a "menu" to choose from with a $1-$10 designs to chose from. I now accept Debit & Credit Card payments. Thank you for your continued support and please spread the word! :)


  1. Nice Tiger Face Painting Step by Step Tutorial. It is very useful for all Face painters and Face Paint Lovers.Entertainer

    1. Yes :) I'm so grateful for those who share their designs as it helps so many of us face painters. I hope to come up with several that other face painters can use as well. Thanks for stopping by and hope you'll continue to stop by. Have a great day!


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